Se han encontrado 413 productos. Se muestran resultados del 331 al 340.
Vera Kostrovitskaya, Alexei Pisarev
"Escuela de Danza Clásica" es el libro de texto oficial de la Escuela Vaganova, y lleva al lector desde los conceptos básicos del programa de estudios a los ejercicios más complicados que se imparten en el final del curso de ocho años.
Agrippina Vaganova
The principles of Vaganova’s system are presented in this well known book. Her ability to choose the best of what had been accomplished in the various ballet traditions (French, Italian and Russian) and combine these into a unified teaching practice in itself amounted to a new school of dance.
John White
Designed for teachers, company directors, and advanced dancers, this instructive guide explores the importance of disciplined dancing, choreography, acting, conditioning, and performance.
Rory Foster
In Ballet Pedagogy Rory Foster, he danced with the American Ballet Theatre and served as ballet master for the Chicago ballet. Shares his extensive knowledge of how to teach rather than focusing exclusively on what to teach.
Gail Grant
The book fully describes and defines over 1.100 ballet steps (saut de chat, entrechat six, failli, etc.) movements and poses (arabesque, épaulement, attitude, etc.) and other expressions and concepts. First, a phonetic transcription is provided, then a literal translation, and finally an explanation of how the steps is performed, the pose captured, or the movement executed, of how the concept fits in with actual ballet dancing, or of the purpose or function of the idea.
Gretchen W.Warren
Classical Ballet Technique is an invaluable guide for students, teachers, and ballet lovers. It not only covers the broad spectrum of ballet vocabulary but also gives sound, practical advice to aspiring dancers.
Angela Reinhardt
Over 280 colour illustrations show how to modify shoes step by step, using scissors, needle and thread, hot water and elastic, to adapt pointe shoes perfectly for all types of foot and all types of floor surface. As well as tips on choosing, modification, and upkeep, the book contains information on the history and manufacture of pointe shoes and valuable suggestions for foot fitness.
Asaf Messerer
Esta nueva edición del innovador manual del gran bailarín, maestro y coreógrafo Asaf Messeerer ofrece a una nueva generación de bailarines profesionales, coreográfos y profesores clases y métodos de ballet clásico. Procedente de la célebre escuela Bolshoi, donde Messereer enseñó (La clase profesional más alta); Presenta aquí seis clases con la completa notación, las posiciones y pasos ilustrados por casi 500 fotografías de bailarines principales del Bolshoi.
Vera S.Kostrovitskaya
Este libro es un indispensable manual de la Escuela de Ballet de Leningrado y un elogio completo al famoso texto pedagógico de Agrippina Vaganova, los Fundamentos de la Danza Clásica, que ofrece una descripción completa técnica del estilo soviético y el método ruso.
Neus Canalias
A finales del s. XX algunos creadores han empezado a cuestionarse qué es danza y cuál es el cuerpo ideal para bailar y esto les ha empujado a buscar nuevas formas de expresión a través de la diversidad